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Find the most unique literary boy names from books for your little one. This comprehensive list includes everything from authors’ names to characters from children’s books, classic books, modern books, Shakespeare, and Harry Potter. These literary baby names are perfect for a future bookworm, so let’s get literary!


Literary Boy Names That Show Your Love of Books


The focus of these baby boy names from literature is on the first name of these book characters, but occasionally, I share a last name that will work well to give your baby’s first name meaning that is literary.

Names of Famous Authors

Aldous (Aldous Huxley)

Arthur (Arthur Conan Doyle)

Bram (Bram Stoker)

Byron (Lord Byron)

Charles (Charles Dickens)

Colson (Colson Whitehead)

Conrad (Joseph Conrad)

Cormac (Cormac McCarthy)

Edgar (Edgar Allen Poe)

Elie (Elie Wiesel)

Elwyn (E.B. White)

Ernest (Ernest Hemingway)

Faulkner (William Faulkner)

Fitzgerald (F. Scott Fitzgerald)

Gabriel (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

Hawthorne (Nathaniel Hawthorne)

Henry (Henry James)

Homer (Homer)

Hugo (Victor Hugo)

Huxley (Aldous Huxley)

Ian (Ian Fleming)

Jack (Jack Kerouac)

Jules (Jules Verne)

Keats (John Keats)

Kurt (Kurt Vonnegut)

Langston (Langston Hughes)

Leo (Leo Tolstoy)

Mark (Mark Twain)

Nathaniel (Nathaniel Hawthorne)

Oscar (Oscar Wilde)

Ovid (Ovid)

Ralph (Ralph Wald Emerson)

Roald (Roald Dahl)

Tennessee (Tennessee Williams)

Truman (Truman Capote)

Victor (Victor Hughes)

William (William Shakespeare)

Boy Names from Books

Fictional Characters from Childrenโ€™s Books

Bastian (The Neverending Story)

Calvin (A Wrinkle in Time)

Charlie (Charlie & The Chocolate Factory)

Chester (The Cricket in Times Square)

Christopher (Winnie the Pooh)

Colin (The Secret Garden)

Ferdinand (The Story of Ferdinand)

George (Curious George)

James (James and the Giant Peach)

Jess (Bridge to Terabithia)

Logan (Baby-Sitters Club series)

Max (Where the Wild Things Are)

Peter (Peter Pan; Peter Rabbit)

Wilbur (Charlotteโ€™s Web)

Fictional Characters from Classic Literature

Asher (The Giver)

Atticus (To Kill a Mockingbird)

Bingley (Pride and Prejudice)

Cal (East of Eden)

Cecil (A Room With a View)

Christer (The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo)

Dallas (The Outsiders)

Darcy (Pride & Prejudice)

David (David Copperfield)

Dorian (The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde)

Edmund (The Count of Monte Cristo)

Ethan (Ethan Frome)

Finn (The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)

Fitzwilliam (Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen)

Frederick (Persuasion)

Gatsby (The Great Gatsby)

Gulliver (Gulliverโ€™s Travels)

Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights)

Holden (The Catcher in the Rye)

Huck (The Adventures of Huck Finn)

Ishmael (Moby Dick)

Jake (The Sun Also Rises)

Jarvis (A Tale of Two Cities)

Jay (The Great Gatsby)

Jean (Les Miserables)

Jem (To Kill a Mockingbird)

Lawrence (Little Women)

Lennie (Of Mice and Men)

Leopold (Ulysses)

Maxim (Rebecca)

Moby (Moby Dick)

Oliver (Oliver Twist)

Philip (โ€œPipโ€) (Great Expectations)

Phineas (A Separate Peace)

Rhett (Gone With the Wind)

Robinson (Robinson Crusoe)

Santiago (The Alchemist)

Sawyer (The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)

Theodore (Little Women)

Watson (Sherlock Holmes)

Wentworth (Persuasion)

Winston (1984)

Fictional Characters by Shakespeare

Antonio (The Merchant Of Venice)

Benedick (Much Ado About Nothing)

Corin (As You Like It)

Duncan (Macbeth)

Ely (Henry V)

Fabian (Twelfth Night)

Frederick (As You Like It)

Henry (Henry Parts I โ€“ VIII)

Julius (Julius Caesar)

Lennox (Macbeth)

Leonardo (The Merchant of Venice)

Malcolm (Macbeth)

Marcus (Titus Andronicus)

Orlando (As You Like It)

Richard (Richard I, II, III)

Romeo: (Romeo and Juliet)

Sebastian (The Tempest, Twelfth Night and The Two Gentlemen of Verona)

Shep (The Winterโ€™s Tale)

Toby (Twelfth Night)

Troy (Troilus & Cressida)

Fictional Characters from Modern Books

Atlas (It Ends With Us)

Augustus (The Fault in Our Stars)

Bronn (A Song of Fire and Ice (Game of Thrones books)

Clay (The Adventures of Kavalier & Clay)

Connell (Normal People)

Edward (Twilight saga)

Henry (The Time Travelerโ€™s Wife)

Jacob (Twilight saga)

Landon (A Walk to Remember)

Liam (All the Light We Cannot See)

Lucien (ACOTAR)

Morrie (Tuesdays with Morrie)

Noah (The Notebook)


Rudy (The Book Thief)

Theo (The Goldfinch)

Tyrion (A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) series)

Werner (All the Light We Cannot See)

Xaden (Fourth Wing)

Literary Boy Names from Harry Potter Books

Albus (Albus Dumbledore)

Cedric (Cedric Diggory)

Draco (Draco Malfoy)

Harry (Harry Potter)

Ollivander (Ollivanderโ€™s Wand Shop)

Ronald (Ron Weasley)

Sirius (Sirious Black)

book with coffee mug on top of it.

remember, it’s a good day to read a book. – jules

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